Budget-Friendly Electric Violin You Can Add to Your Collection
There is nothing quite special like listening to the sound of musical instruments like the electric violin. They provide soothing music to the ears of the listeners. This is the reason why it is always meaningful to choose to play musical instruments as your source of relaxation. There are many budget-friendly electric violins that you can add to your collection. You just have to be aware of the different choices that are available and do adequate research for each one in order for you to choose the best electric violin suited for your needs.
Budget-friendly electric violin you can add to your collection
Tower Strings Electric Violin Outfit $259.99
Tower Strings Electric Violin is one of the best electric violins out today. Purchasing this particular type of violin is an incredible choice because it has 1/8″ headphones out that you can use for monitoring the tune. Aside from that, you can also use it for silent practicing. This electric violin also includes 100% ebony fingerboard and fittings. You will also be amazed by the well-rounded and hand-carved wood bridge which provides easy and comfortable playability.
Tower Strings Electric Pro Violin Outfit $379.99
Tower Strings Electric Pro Violin is yet another incredible choice that you can find in stores today. This particular electric violin comes with a 1/4″ audio jack and it has a solid maple wood body. This is worth purchasing because it has a durable metallic black finish. Approximately, it weighs 650 grams. Aside from that, it also has 100% ebony fingerboard and fittings. The bridge is also made from hand-carved wood and it is well-rounded so that it is easier and more comfortable to play.
Yamaha 4-String Electric Violin YEV- 104 $610
The beauty of this violin is beyond compare because of the rosewood, mahogany, walnut, and ebony that adds to the overall organic physical appearance and tone of the violin. This violin also includes the particular Yamaha dual piezo pickup bridge and it has a standard 1/4-inch jack. Furthermore, it also includes the circuit breaker button that is intended for muting purposes.
Yamaha 5-String Electric Violin YEV- 105 $665
This electric violin includes wood such as maple, rosewood, spruce, mahogany, walnut, and ebony. These are the factors that make the organic appearance and tone of the violin to be highly appealing to people. Moreover, Yamaha has a dual piezo pickup bridge and a standard 1/4-inch jack. Same with the Yamaha 4-string electric violin mentioned above, this violin also comes with a circuit breaker button for the purpose of muting.
NS Design WAV 4-string Electric Violin $699
NS Design WAV 4-string electric violin has a polar pickup system. This is a recommended violin for music lovers who love to hear the natural sound with volume and tone controls. It also has an ebony fingerboard that is shaped for consistent tone and intonation. It also has a maple neck and body that contribute to the rich tone and visual grace. Aside from that, it also has precision tuners that are very accurate. The violin itself is only light in weight and it is balanced to maintain the comfort of the player. It has a stable ergonomic shoulder rest that provides comfortable support. It is fully adjustable suited for your style.
There are many budget-friendly electric violins that you can always add to your collection. Remember, you must be critical in analyzing all of the different electric violins that are available. You have to be more knowledgeable of the specifications and details to ensure that you will purchase a well-suited electric violin for your needs and desires. By doing so, you will surely enjoy the electric violin that you will purchase.